
My very own website!!! Yikes!

Dancing the night away, noodles at 1am and Blog On Toys

Somehow almost 2 weeks has already passed since Blog On Toys. It was brilliant and sooooo inspiring, but to be honest, I’m knackered. I’m really feeling my age and have rediscovered muscles that I haven’t used in years.
I left home last Saturday and headed north to Manchester. It was a real wrench to leave my family and I cried in the car before pulling away. But eating up the miles, I felt better and more confident, less like Mum and more like Laura.
As I arrived at the Premier Inn, I spotted a group of bloggers in the bar and, after dropping my bags off in my room, I went down to meet them. I had a wonderful 4 hours of chatting, gossiping and learning from expert bloggers.

Dinner was forgotten amidst all the talking so after a quick outfit change, we went over to Hotel Football for the launch party.

There was chocolate. There was wine. There was dancing, lots of dancing.
At 1am I got back to my hotel room and had some noodles before bed. 5 hours of sleep later, it was time to get up and get to blog work (even my wedding night didn’t escape me blogging!)

I met up with my friends in the lobby and we headed over to the main event. What a day! I went to Emily Leary’s session on organisation and, wow! she puts my hundreds of lists on scrappy bits of paper to shame!

I met some lovely PR reps in the brand den and got the chance to play with some toys!

I loved listening to CBeebies star Alex Winters talk about presenting and giving us some inside gossip from the BBC.
I had a go at makiing a Christmas tree bauble with Hobbycraft but I am not the most creative of people!

The cake was a beautiful rainbow cake from the PopTeenies brand and there were gluten free cupcakes for awkward people like me 🙂

To say I was gutted not to win anything in the raffle is a HUGE understatement! I hope for better luck next year…


  1. Sounds like you had an amazing time. It’s hard to leave them (the hubby & kids behind) but then you realise you’re a person too and it’s nice to let loose too x #GlobalBlogging

  2. It’s it fine line / balancing act being mum and also retaining that part of you pre mum tum and cbeebies but sounds like with the help of good friends and great wine you’re on the way #globalblogging

  3. I always read about these events and think they sound great.

    In reality I’d hide in my hotel room till it started and then shuffle around from presentation to presentation with my head bowed.


  4. It looks like you had a great time! I have stayed up way too late a few times recently and the next three days I really feel my age so I totally get where you’re coming from with that! Sorry for the late response to last week’s #GlobalBlogging

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